This post, I want to introduce the blog. With time things may change, but what the hell. I want this to be about politics, like practically everything else I talk about. I will proved basic theory, tips on survival, values of an American Revolution, predications of Gerald Celeste’s “coming Revolution”, and more bits and pieces. Perhaps some interviews to help understand things.
I would have loved to have gathered with some friends and started an underground paper. Getting stuff from papers and local printers. Copying from other papers from the internet. And all the wonderful things that come from working your own paper (I could have been such good friends with office max).
But the printing workshop is for something different. And journalism is coming apart. With the dieing economy people don’t want to pay so much for a peice of toilet paper they don’t need (check the paper recycling bins for free) and can get the news from the internet anyway. Only the problem with the information super highway, people only look for what they want to learn. So I figured I’d get on the mascurade and post info and all the trappings of an underground government.
...dr. fish...really...